June 3, 2021 | Marykate Forte

Tis the season for enjoying meals outdoors; here are some of our favorite backyard set-ups.
Vani Sayeed Studios (above)
A teak table and chairs are oriented to overlook the ocean and surrounding marsh.
Designer: Vani Sayeed Studios, vanisayeedstudios.com
Photography by Jared Kuzia
Sea-Dar Construction
With the city skyline as backdrop and filled with lush plantings, this rooftop deck is the ultimate urban oasis.
Builder: Sea-Dar Construction, seadar.com
Landscape Design: Zen Associates
Architect: Studio 301 in association with a+sl studios
Photography by Joshua McHugh
Donna Elle Design
This airy, shaded porch is an ideal spot to indulge in a leisurely meal.
Designer: Donna Elle Design, donnaelle.com
Photography by Read McKendree/JBSA
Dan Gordon
On the pool deck, this dining table completes a beautiful summer hideout.
Landscape architect: Dan Gordon Landscape Architects, dangordon.com
Photography by Peter Vanderwarker
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